1) One fat scary look ghost and long hair lying on the carpet with the sexy post.
(his story main character to be fat and somemore sexy! FAT & SEXY!!, When fat and sexy with a long hair, AND he want the fat and sexy gal to looks like a ghost and lying on the carpet) *Halfway fainting*
2) The fat woman ghost wear bikini and eating a stick ice-cream.
(AH!!!Wear bikini and eat ice-cream at the same time. WHY!!! FAT, SEXY, LOOKS LIKE GHOST and now WEARING BIKINI, and eat ICE-CREAM) *Faint*
3) At the back a lot of muscle guy ghost crazy and saliva come out because sexy woman very attract them. All the guys, they look like ghost ... or funny thing. (Plzz.. plzz.. kill me!! Muscular guys la.. and somemore the FAT CREATURE can attract them? Lol.. Guess that those muscular guys are really having stress till they cant even define beauty. I definetly confirm that all of the guys are ghosts,they dun hav to look like one.)*Dead*
4) Or all the muscle guys ghost fall down.
( huh!!?? lol.. i will fall down before they do!)
But lecturer said i got to draw it out, AH!!! And i draw this..
What is this guy thinking, so unnaturally weird and the sense of beauty, dun hav.
YUCKS! like a big slice of pork lying on the carpet. And i add in a rose tattoo on her fat butt. Hahaha, even gross. The tattoo will be like out of porpotion if the fat woman slim down.
I need to colour this piece of artwork, due next thurs. Those muscular guys in that drawing sure be dead by now. Scary enough >:|GOOD experince.
P/S: juz in case the writer saw this. haha i juz found it super funny, no hidden meaning.
Scary expression from lect:
sooooooooooooooooooo cute!!!
your course has soooooo much fun!
very good acting, keep it up, hehe!!
lol.. thnx u..
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